Blessed Friday:M & M Success Tips #12 Believe.

Good morning, awesome people of the world…

Today’s tip on money and marriage is: Believe.

If you have BIG dreams, have the courage to pursue and manifest them.

If in MARRIAGE, your goal is to be the bestest for your spouse in this life and hereafter… why not?

For me in Marriage, I wanna be the most romantic partner. I’m hopelessly romantic. So why not? I do not mind being the “man” and shower my soul life partner with flowers or little pink notes in little hidden corners and catch him by surprise with little notes of gratitude and love poems.

BELIEVE it and it will happen.Even though I might not know how to write a single sentence of poetry. But because I believe that I can be, somehow, I am open to it.

When I BELIEVE that I am romantic, for sure, ideas will start to flow in that direction-ROMANCE.

If in MONEY, your goal is to be a Millionaire… why not?

Ask yourself how long do you need to be a millionaire? Start believing and BE one!

Even if you have no money, start believing it.

I used to have no money. I used to write on a piece of paper the amount that I want and keep it in my wallet. Then it became reality.

Soon, I began to carry a $50 dollar note in my wallet. And the money that came in , are in 50s. Then I decided to make the amount bigger, gradually.Every time, I looked at it, I am positively charged. And then that dollar notes became $100. Then they escalated to $1000 dollar notes …

Somehow the doors to abundance will be open to you from all directions.

Believe it and it will happen.

When one believes with utmost conviction, nothing can stand in his/her way.

I’ve got a story to tell…

I once had a chat with my high school friends about travelling the world. I was the only home maker with no career in that period of time.My friends were mostly in their peak of their career paths.

We were chatting happily. I was really into it. Because it’s my dream. Travelling is my life. And so while they were busy calculating their “limited” time and money, I was busy charting my itinerary. I have no money but I got time. And I’m gonna paint that imagination in full 3D colours.

Best part is, I was the one who has no money at that time as compared to my high flier career friends. But it did not stop me.

I let my imagination run wild. I was prepared to be a street busker to fund my dream. I was prepared to do anything to make it real. But of course, my street music “capabilities” might chase people back into their homes. LOL.

But I did something. I believed in my dream so much that…
I even started to pack a small haversack for the so-called “future world tour”. I put it where I can see it often.

I believe so strongly that I can do it, no matter what.

Everyday, I wake up and look at that haversack on the floor near the door.
Before I sleep, I look at it again, standing confidently in its aloofness.

Few months later, I went for my world tour, unexpectedly.
Somehow, everything that I need came to me easily and effortlessly.

I was prepared to travel to 5 countries of various continents.
But I ended up travelling to 36 countries. Alhamdulillah.

What about my friends? They were shocked till today. Not able to understand what had just happened.

And yes, they were still bickering about their limited time and money as an excuse.

So my question for you today is…

What’s stopping you from fulfilling your dreams?

– Lina Masrina

May your life be blessed.
Be happy in everything you do.
Love,live, laugh,


Lina Masrina ,
the World Halal Traveller 
(I have travelled to 36 countries.If I can do it, you can do better!)

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